October 31, 2001

I think it was a good day
So I won the Halloween costume contest at work and got a $10 gift certificate to Blockbuster. Now I can rent all those foreign films I've been meaning to catch up on. I don't think my outfit is overly impressive but it is sorta cool. I just wish more people had dressed up so I felt more deserving over the competition.

Four people have now told me I should dye my hair black. This was directly after figuring out I am wearing a wig and this is not my natural hair. I think if I visited my mom with black hair she would be more upset than she was when she saw the magenta/pink/red hair. Strange reasoning...but she thinks dying your hair black means you are evil are something.

Tonight I am going up the Castro district in San Francisco and I am sorta nervous for a few reasons.

  1. I am worried that in the mass crowd my wings will get broken/smushed
  2. I am worried it will be cold and I can't wear a jacket over my wings
  3. I am worried it will be too crowded and I will get cranky
  4. I am worried my shoes will be too uncomfortable and I will have to wear non-matching shoes or sacrifice comfort for glam ( only girls understand this difficult choice)
  5. I am worried about terrorist crap because the media has brainwashed and scared me...they distinctly warned about going to crowded areas like Castro
However I do not have any other ideas of where to go and I am bent on seeing drag queens and lots of people in costume and this is the biggest street party around...For those who don't know, Castro is the rainbow district of San Fran and it gets pretty wild. I am going to cross my little fingers and hope all goes well and is fun.

All things Snoopy
I don't know why but I find Snoop Dogg so so so funny and President Bush being funny is a given. The man never makes a normal face.
And his counterpart

I am now a hypocrite complaining before about middle east jokes.
Someone in my office keeps squeezing a squeeky toy. This has been going on since 8 this morning at an average of 3 or 4 squeezes every 10 minutes. It is so so annoying and it is very high pitched. Every time she does it she giggles and asks her neighbor, "Am I bothering you? Hee hee. You know you like it." This is one of those things someone does over and over to get attention and see when someone else will eventually explode into a yelling frenzy like I am about to.
Two good things

I am the fallen angel today...I feel so gosh darn sultry sassy and purty...and dark....oooo mysterious.

My computer is in my room and all set up and is so awesome...60 gigs and Windows XP...I am a happy clam..or a happy angel...or just plain happy

October 30, 2001

I am slowly updating the poetry site
Tedious stuff
Isn't he a catch
Ha ha ha
Bridges are tricky
There is this bridge on the campbell park levee area that I cross over everytime I go rollerblading which is wooden and has annoying slats my wheels catch on. Everytime I carefully grab the railing and half walk/half rollerblade across...and everytime I fall or nearly fall. Back in the pre-accident days I could speed over this bridge and the momentum would keep my wheels from snaging and I wouldn't be scared and my adrenaline wouldn't be racing through my veins. Now when I go over the bridge I look ridiculous, holding the railing for dear life like a child holds their mother's hand in fear. In a near fall yesterday the wood railing saved me but left me with a nasty splinter which took 15 minutes under the knife, with my shaky left hand to remove. I am thinking of starting a petition to pave the bridge or replace the wood with some smooth alternative I can conquer.
Halloween Final Hint
Seeing as it is tomorrow...Black dress with black wings and a black wig and a HALO...dead giveaway...

October 29, 2001

I am not sure if this is good or bad. It certainly classifies as troubling all around.
Yay for parents who have money
As promised when my parents moved away and I moved out: I could either take the old computer with me OR wait a month or 2 and daddy would bring me a shiny new computer. So I have been patiently anticipating the arrival of my new PC and...(drum roll) It will be here tomorrow, equipped with its 2 new companions: desk and chair. Yes this lovely trio of friends will be appearing live, in my room tomorrow around 2:30, and each day thereafter. That is PST for you excited east coasters. I can hardly wait. I am so stoked that I think I may have gained geek status. Granted I am not that savvy but it is way better than the computer we had before and it is NEW and it was virtually FREE.
Another let down
K-Pax was just no good. The plot was lame and the humor was definately lacking. I normally like Kevin Spacey's movies. He did a good job with the acting but the script was just yucky and the twists were not very well explained or thought out.

Donnie Darko on the other hand was the best film I have seen in a long time. The plot kept you on the edge of your seat. It had a great cast and numerous funny tag lines. I didn't know what to expect and went to see it on a whim and I am so glad I did. The ending left us with gaping mouths. It explained but not extensively and for once that was nice, to be able to speculate and discuss a movie and not leave feeling clueless. This reminds me of one of those little sci-fi ish cult following movies. Excellent and creative and brilliant...enough already...just go see it.

October 26, 2001

Yay for music
I saw Bis wednesday night and it was so awesome. This is the band that does the theme song for Power Puff Girls. I somehow stumbled upon them because they had a cool cd cover and back when I was first out of high school I worked at a cd store and we would crank up random cd's at closing, testing the merchandise. I've been a fan through their ever changing sound.
The venue was really small and intimate and besides being an all ages show which means immature kids still in high school whose actions scream exhibitionists...it was an enjoyable concert. I met Manda the lead singer and took a pic with her and was even winked at twice by Steve during the performance. The sound really came together well. Vocals could be heard over the music which would seem to be standard but in case of small venues usually the music drowns out the voices. Too bad that Bis only comes here like once every 2 years, granted they are from Glasgow, Scotland, but it still sucks they are never around.
I also found a cool new band: Dealership who has the sound I always look for but can never find. You know that poppy punky sing along type of music with thoughtful lyrics.
Ha ha ha
This is funny. No offense Maria
I wasn't around to blog my boring little heart out yesterday due to a day of destressing that was needed very badly. I have been having one of those weeks where I forget and drop things every fives seconds. My normal time increment between "accidents" is about 10 minutes, so I have not been handling this new onset with much ease. Yesterday it was nice to stay in bed and watch educational tv...like Jerry Springer, Blind Date and other such programming. My one trip out was to the library where I redeemed earlier mindlessness by picking up Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan and All the Names. See I am edjamucated in the words of something Ralph Wiggum would say.
Halloween #5
This should be a giveaway now. I have wings. Black costume with wings and a dress...

October 24, 2001

Strange little place, ain't it?
So I was thinking the other day. Imagine being an alien if you will, and viewing earth from an objectionable stance. Sorta from a The Gods Must Be Crazy viewpoint I was thinking that we are a strange "civilized" society. We have made all these luxuries into necessities. We advance outselves and create new inventions to make out lives easier, when many a time we are complicating things more and more.

We used to be a hunting/gathering society, living simplistically off the land. Now we have computers and high tech jobs and schooling is a necessity. We have to learn all kinds of rules and regulations in order to live appropriately and this doesn't include all the overt and coverts that we have to learn from experience. We now live in a time where paper and pen have largely been replaced by computers. Heaven forbid our server goes down at work. We all have to go home for the day. We put our money in banks, we have this invisible thing called credit, which we can’t live without, and many other "important" things like cars and homes depend upon for purchasing.

We take pills to make ourselves normal; we alter the genes of plants, animals, minerals and humans. We play god. We strive toward an impossible idea of perfection and it seems more and more that we demand this perfection from each other. We mostly depend on cars, airplanes and various forms of public transportation. We are impatient with these methods and seem to have forgotten the days of horses, carriages, wagons, ships and walking. It seems to be unheard of to many of my friends to have to walk more than 20 feet from the car to the building. We fight over the closet spot at the supermarket or mall so as to avoid walking any more than necessary. We are always in a hurry even though we have nowhere to go. We have forgotten about inner beauty and nature and now focus on materialism and image. We don't take time to nurture our souls anymore.

In recent times especially, we need to take an objectionable look at the world. We fight amongst ourselves, within our own countries racism and discrimination are still very present. We have children being abused and neglected and many citizens are without food and shelter. Not only are countries in turmoil within, but so many nations can not get along with others. We all feel that one way is the best and those who don't agree must be wrong. Wars have been going on for years in certain nations. These people don't even know what a day would be like to wake up and not have to fear the surrounding war. When did we become a civilization that needed nuclear and biological warfare? There is so much aggression and blame within people. No one wants to take responsibility or admit that maybe they can change. It is our first instinct to point the finger in the face of accusation.

I don't offer solutions, although I would like to be productive. Many have an attitude that "I am only one person and what difference am I going to make." I feel that way many a time because it is easier to complain that to act or react. I hope as I continue to mature I can find an appropriate, successful outlet for all these feelings. I would like the world to be a better place, although I don't expect perfection. I think some precautions and ideas are well intended although others border on selfish acts, based around seeing if we can rather than if we should. Awareness would be the first step I would guess. I suppose I am just disheartened that many people are unaware that anything is amiss. It is amazing to me how quickly we have accepted the way things are.
I had to put up Blogback like most other people lately. The page takes forever to load now. Boo hoo, oh well.

October 23, 2001

Link Whore
Ok so I now know what a link whore is. The following was an actual reblogger post.

AAARRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!! [pause] Damn me, I am such a far-reak! Haha, okay sorry, I'm just going on my annual "Reblogger bash". I go around people's sites, and write weird things. Hoping they will link me. LOL Hahahahahahahahahaaahahhahahahhahahahaahaahahheeeeee!.. ##############23#############
MiSS - posted at 20:15 GMT 19/10/01

Yeah...that is rather forward and blatant self promotion. Using someone else's site for promo is bad. And even worse her site isn't really something I would want to read. It was tempting to leave nasty comments but I refrained. Poor girl is already bad off as it is.

Halloween hint #4 that no one cares about
My costume is black. It is generic and not specific. It is girl costume only ( I would hope) and is a dress.
Remember snotrockets?
Ha ha. Puck from MTV's Real World San Francisco was on The Weakest Link last night. It was pretty amusing because the host totally ignored him and he didn't get to make crappy outbursts although you could tell he was dying to. I was so amused. It all came down to Kato Kaelin and Kaya from that skanky island show, and poor Kato couldn't remember that butterflies start out as caterpillars...Oh yeah...Gennifer Flowers is the epitome of stupid blonde tramp. "Tee hee. I am so proud of sleeping with Bill Clinton." Ok that wasn't a direct qoute but she seemed so smug.

October 22, 2001

Can I worry yet?
I know I am not supposed to panic or believe everything I hear but this is getting semi-scarier. I still stick with my belief that Anthrax is going to be perfected into something more guaranteed to be lethal. I want to know who is doing this. It seems easy to blame it on the Middle East people and problems surrounding Osama Bin Laden but for some reason I am thinking someone sick and demented within the US is taking advantage of the situation. I have still not fully accepted that it was sent to 10 or so Planned Parenthood locations. I do not see the reasoning behind the targets of tv new stations either. Unless it can be contagious or more widely spread it seems sorta premature of the senders to target well known newscasters. Today is just not a good day all around.
UM....okay.....according to my co-worker chips have a new name: Intestine hijackers. I am not sure if this is just the Sun Chips brand or all chip brands.
Shopping is bad...Bad Amber! Bad!
I have a good excuse I swear. I used to burn cds off napster or aimster or whatever other site I could pirate from. However with my recent move and my parents, I was promised a new computer which has yet to show up. So for now I only have work access and no burning capabilites. I finally broke down and went to Rasputins to pick up some cds this weekend. I was so bad. They just kept calling to me and I could not resist. 80 dollars later I walked away with:
Hole, Live Through This The CD that unfortunately died with my car and one of my all time favs.
Bis, Return to Central This is a scottish punk band that does the theme to Power Puff Girls. Their old stuff was way better but the new sound of this album and the last are starting to grow on me. I am going to see them in San Fran on Wednesday.
Dj Dan, In Stereo One of my favorite spinner's new album.
Mystre, Mysterium Another one of the great techno/trance guys.
Ozomatli, Embrace the Chaos These guys are so cool. Latin Rock mixed with everything else. An excellent unique sound. I am going to see these guys in San Fran this weekend too.
The Be Good Tanyas, Blue Horse This was the best find at the listening station by pressing the wrong numbers. This is the sweetest little all girl folksy band with the neatest little songs. I have been overplaying this cd all weekend.
Is shopping so bad if you get cool stuff?

So dissapointed
I went to see From Hell and Riding in Cars with Boys this weekend. I was not really impressed with either one. Granted although some people are not Drew Barrymore fans, I am. I really like her goofy roles (ie Never Been Kissed and Charlie's Angels) but this movie was just a real let down. It was too long and it tried way too hard to be funny/cute. It was semi-emotional in a few parts and I actually took Steve Zahn seriously for once as an actor, but overall the movie was poorly made. I have not read the book so I am not sure how closely it was based and maybe the book was just poorly written and the author's life was lame. I just think the movie could have been a lot better and the format would have been better if they didnt start the movie in the present and keep flashing back and forth.

From Hell looked really good and Johnny Depp has this knack for making me fall in love with him and his characters, but call me wimpy because I almost had to leave. Certain things in movies I can't handle and this had implied and real gore that was a little too much. I can't watch Dark Crystal still, Devil's Advocate, Interview with a Vampire...I know there are more...I can handle Sleepy Hollow or gore that is more fantasy based or cheesy. Suicide scenes freak me out, as do gory operations and just sick mutilation movies that show or imply things beyond my throw up tolerance. Not that I have lost it, but the thought of losing it is bad enough. The plot of From Hell had some interesting conspiracies on different levels but I wasn't happy with the ending which totally ruined any redeeming that had gone on after the gore.

The weird thing is I am not usually picky when it comes to movies. Usually I like most movies, so for 2 of my favorite actors, and 2 films I was anticipating to suck...well I wish I would've paid matinee prices for that crap.

October 19, 2001

Halloween costume hint #3
It is not a specific character from anything, but rather a general costume.

PS. Remember it is girly and involves wearing a dress. Thanks for amusing me and guessing :)
Damn that drill
I think the sound of the dentist drill alone is what scares me and makes me think it hurts worse than it does. It is like that nails on the chalkboard type feeling. (Shudders) The dentist I saw yesterday in part 2 of my fillings was really good though. He managed to numb my face utterly and totally better than anyone has and therefore I drooled on myself when I had to rinse and spit...and then proceeded to drool the next 4 hours. My roommate and I were rather delerious because she kept asking me to smile, since only half my face was capable of smiling. I think we were drunk at this point.

October 18, 2001

Halloween costume hint #2
I am going to wear a dress type costume.
Self Promo
I was thinking that I would start a site to post some poetry that I wrote. Granted some of these I don't like and some of them I really do...but I figure it is something semi creative and since I find it inappropriate to post my crack whore adventures I'm posting something that I did in more productive times. Besides I like sharing this sort of artsy mumbo jumbo. So without further ado I present ShortcakesPoetry. It needs some work and granted there is only one post...yeah...I suck.
Short story of my life
I am so tore up lately now that I am officially on my own and my parents/grandparents have moved 3 hours away. So now I am pondering what to do about the situation with my biological mom. My grandparents have played the role of parents to me since I was 5. My mom was around but was into drugs and partying and sleeping around. I suppose she just didn't grow out of the teen years and having me at 19 wasn't the best idea, but hey I am here so it wasn't all bad.

In 7th grade I decided that being around her wasn't good for me and told her I didn't want to visit her anymore. At the time I was living with my biological dad who I met when I was 9 and lived with until I was 12. He was nasty and typical redneck trash and my stepmom was even worse...no therapy but the abuse could have entailed someone professional to help out. So from the latter part of 8th grade until last year I lived with my grandparents and they have done everything possible for me.

BUT...the inevitable but...my grandparents' love is very CONDITIONAL. In recent years, being I am of forgiving nature, I really want to try to have a relationship with my mom. I found out I have a half brother I have never met, and lately I find myself craving more family. I am between a rock and a hard place so to say though. Granted my grandparents have moved away and it would be harder for them to find out...but if my mom wanted to be spiteful she could find a way to let them know I have betrayed them.

See the condition is that if I want to have a relationship with my mom, my grandparents will not have one with me ever again. They say that it would be spitting in their face by going back to someone they tried to keep me away from for so long, that I chose to block out of my life. I have talked with them numerous times on the issue, trying to explain that I won't feel whole or have my closure until I find out how she is and see if I might be able to establish some semi-functional relationship with her.

I always thought I could handle not seeing my dad's or mom's side of the family. I have always had my grandparents to count on. They have supported me and taken care of me and gone above and beyond in nurturing me into a young lady. I worked through a lot of the more abusive issues and low self esteem I had when I was younger. It is just now that I am sorta a grown up, I really miss that mother/daughter friendship. My grandparents are rather young (early 60s and act younger than that) but what I remember of my mom when she was "all there"...it was a like a big fun sister. I really don't know how to handle this. In gaining my mom, I lose the 2 people I really have and love in my life. Besides I risk that my mom is someone I really don't want anything to do with still. No one seems to be able to figure this out for me. I remain stuck in limbo...confused.

October 17, 2001

Halloween costume hint #1
Something that is girl oriented only.
This was slightly disturbing
I recently ordered this book from Amazon because I like Angus Oblong and his short 6 episode cartoon stint that ran earlier this year. I was shocked that for a "children's scary book", emphasis on CHILDREN'S, it talks about susie getting a tingling in her v***** when she sees her crush. Does anyone else find this sorta offensive...
To pay or not to pay
So I have this leftover money from my birthday from my generous father, that I have been trying to save for a much desired trip to Disneyland with the boy who has no money and can't go for probably 10 years at this rate OR for emergencies. Disneyland may be subject to qualify as an emergency at a later date. However I keep looking at my credit card and I am tempted to make a huge payment ($1000) and almost pay it off. The downside is that if I run into trouble and have an almost payed off card I will be tempted to start using it like crazy, hence ending up with a huge balance again. Help!
Not a bunny
I feel like an easter egg today. Fushia/magenta hair with pink barettes...what was I thinking? No this is not part of the Halloween costume.
No yay for me
I did it again...I decided I need to get back into exercising and have gone rollerblading once since the infamous accident. It happened in April and the doctor said no exercise for 8 or 9 months. Last time I went was a few days ago and I had a fence mishap. So yesterday I went for an hour in an attempt to get back in shape, release stress and get some adrenaline going. Everything started out fine...I went down one pathway and rather than attempt the bridge I bailed on last time...I can back the same path. I then crossed the safe bridge and went down another path, turned around and came back. With my car in sight and an experience of safe rollerblading almost behind me I crossed back over the safe bridge, holding onto the railing like a pathetic beginner. I daintily picked up my skate to cross the metal grate connecting the bridge to the pavement and was almost home free. I then felt gravity pulling me down. I had tripped on the grate and went plummeting toward the ground. I scraped my hands and my right knee pretty bad, not to mention damaged my ego and embarrassed myself in front of 10-15 someodd exercisers who proceeded to ask me if I was ok. If you have ever rollerbladed you know that being on your knees makes in impossible to get up. I had to roll over on my butt and drag myself up using the chainlink fence. I somehow hit my head and have a large lump, luckily not noticable on my right temple. I sheepishly excused myself to the onlookers by saying, "I haven't done this in a year and I was expecting that display of ungracefulness. I broke my pelvis and now have to reIearn this stuff." I think I will look into that helmet now.

October 16, 2001

Yay for me
I have completed my Halloween costume...you all play the guessing game and then I'll tell you what it is. This is an attempt to make something not exciting more exciting.
Say what?
Did you know that Tuna, as widely believed, does NOT in fact grow on trees in those little cans. I KNOW. Let me tell you my friends, I was shocked and amazed that those little cans are fishy tins: Poor fishies that were caught by nasty hooks and nets and chopped up. I am going to go mourn now for those that have so tragically given their lives.

On a similar note...Honey does not come from bears, which is rather misleading considering the packaging. Apparently some Winnie the Pooh character started it all. But Honey in fact comes from bees. I assume there are specialists who milk the bees although I can not be qouted on that. Science lesson is now over kids.
Too Busy for Slacking
I do not like training for new stuff. See normally I do my fair share of work and then some, surpassing the other brown nosers for the official brown noser title each day...and then I have time for email and talking and reading needless amusing crap...or....er...I mean cool stuff that passes the time and makes me smile like a giddy idiot. Now today I have been in training for yet another task all day long so that now I have 3 jobs instead of 1. And I know you all will not believe this but it is for the same amount of pay. Yes out of the goodness of my heart I like more work than I can handle...or would like to handle. Yeah that was sarcasm.

October 15, 2001

Genius Comic
Max Cannon is the strangest funniest man ever.
Oh yeah...I learned how to link and do headlines...pretty sad I am happy about this.
I want to go rollerblading today but it is heat stroke weather out there. Us Lily White Assed office people type are used to air conditioning at a standard 72 degree setting. Oh yeah and I am scared to rollerblade because last week the fence attacked me. It also embarrassed me as people saw me plummit toward, I mean get sucked in by the possessed and evil fence and get wedged under the loose chain link. This was not comedy people. This was a cruel and usual happening in my accident prone world. I am thinking of buying a helmet. Oh wait. No I'm not.
I feel like I am slowly sinking in Jello. Stepped in and felt my legs wobble, settle in like suspended fruit. Penetrating down thru the gelatin mass as it slurps around me and swallows me up. Trying to keep my head above but still falling in slow motion. Trapped, staring out from this jiggly prison. Even worse, it is Strawberry Jello. Where is Bill Cosby when I need him.
I went to my much anticipated Ben Folds concert at the Fillmore in San Fran last night. His opening guy, Citizen Cope was just incredibly awesome. Lots of unplugged vibes and a very Led Zeppelin sound at times. His album comes out in January I believe. Anywho Ben Folds was awesome and I was amazed that his following has gotten so much bigger. The three shows I have been to before, the crowds were fairly small and the shows weren't sold out. It was just a very feel good time and I was almost at the stage, very good spot for watching the master at the piano. I still have Tori Amos and Weezer to look forward to next month as well. Might pick up some tickets for Ozomatli too. I am concert hungry lately. Just found out Bernadette Peters is going to be in San Fran and all my nerdy high school choir/theater friends came rushing back to mind. I don't think a lot of people ( well younger people) really know who she is but I remember seeing Into the Woods with her on PBS when I was a kid and I was hooked. So I am gonna have to track someone down who actually knows and likes her and see if I can get tickets.
I am not ready for this...

October 12, 2001

My pirate name is Red Anne Kidd: Passion is a big part of your life, which makes sense for a pirate. Even though you're not always the traditional swaggering gallant, your steadiness and planning make you a fine, reliable pirate. Arr!
I am not sure whether to laugh or feel offended by all the recent email jokes I am receiving. I know that humor helps us cope with the state our country is in, but at the same time I feel a little saddened at our attitudes and blind hatred. I do not claim to know enough about the Middle East and its people to make a concise stand or develop an appropriate viewpoint. I do know that there are plenty of innocent people there, people who in a sense want and feel the same thing as all people...basic needs of food, water, shelter, love, sense of belonging and sense of security. I also know that there is a certain mentality there that would not be easy to shed, being they have been taught the things they have been taught since day one. I am feeling very torn up and confused on all this. I am trying to keep in mind that this was a specific group, not a whole blamable country that did this to us. I want justice, and not to sound like an ignorant girl, but I think it was necessary to take physical action and exert some power on America's part. We can not be seen as weak, letting anyone who wants to come and terrorize us with no repercussion. At the same time there is no easy solution. I hate to think back on the things we have done to other countries (main one comes to mind is bombing Japan and I do realize what happened at Pearl Harbor but I just don't know if our retaliations are fair...is that the right word?) So I guess what I am trying to say is there has to be some happy medium. I watched a lot of the BBC when the attack happened on the 11th. They made a good point in saying America needs to reevaluate its relationship with other countries. I feel like at times we do consider our philosophies, government and way of living to be the judge-all that other countries should want to emulate. I wish there was some happy medium balance between the tree-hugging hippies who want to do nothing and the die hard militants who want to "bomb the shit" out of the middle east. Note to self: Do more research so as not to further confuse self.
How is this for a Scary Horror story...ok maybe that is misleading but you decide. I got special permission from a manager at work to take my friend at work, Candi, to the bank to clear some things up. Candi's car is in the shop so she asked a favor and our manager is very sweet and was concerned and wanted us to go and take however long it needed. So we drive to Washington Mutual, funny she asked me to take her considering my bad driving record. The background is Candi had an account with Washington Mutual and had a small loan. She switched to Wells Fargo and made sure everything was taken care of and in place and she could continue making small payments on the loan. All the sudden Wells Fargo informed her she can not touch her own money and there is a hold on the account until she takes care of her debt with Washington. Catch 22 because in order to pay Washington she needs the money from the held account with Wells. They told her she should have paid off the loan in full at the time she took it. Hello? Why would you take out a loan if you can afford to pay the whole thing shortly thereafter. So we walk into Washington to get a letter stating that Candi intends on paying and to have Wells unblock her account so she can write a check to clear the owed loan money. The rep at Washington says they don't write letters and they didn't put a hold on her account. She looked at us like we had the nerve to come in there and bother her from preening in the mirror and flipping her hair and this wasn't in her job desciption. I am sorry...I am very tolerable and passive, but when it comes to doing something your job entitles and you are being an asshole/bitch about it, giving us dirty looks like we are disturbing your from doing nothing, you should be yelled at and chastized and Amber gets rude. A rarity but it does happen. She informs us there is nothing she can do and she doesn't know what to tell us. We had to beg her to call Wells to straighten it out. Two hours...READ 2 HOURS later we walk out of Washington with a letter...(the girl can type letters! gasp) to give to Wells so that she can clear everything. So Candi calls Wells after faxing it and now they say that letter isn't good enough. They want one that says Washington will clear the account and no matter what Wells is closing her account there as well. So now she is bankless and can not have her money until Saturday. I am so fuming over this. I have B of A and have never (knock on wood) had a problem with them in 7 years. I feel like calling that girl and asking her why she is a liar and why she didn't just do what we asked in the first place and save everyone time. I can not stand when people give you a limitation on what they can do and it really isn't the truth it is the limit of what they are willing to do which is usually, "I can't help you." It is hard as a customer to know what can actually be done since no one gives the same answer. If you turn into a bitch on them they finally do what you are asking...I wanted to be nice about it...Society sucks, namely the financial institutions today. GGGGRRRRRR!

October 11, 2001

On a movie note before I run off to spend time with my dad who drove 3 hours to see me and has to drive 3 hours to go home...Do you feel the love people? Do you feel it?...Ok back to movies...I saw Training Day which I was skeptical about last night. Denzel is never a bad guy type but his performance was awesome in this. The movie wasn't at all what I thought it was going to be and I loved Ethan Hawke in it as well. So getting dragged to this kicking and screaming was not a bad thing at all considering I was glued to the screen the whole time. Besides the movie had Snoop Dog as a wheelchairing crank seller and the best line ever from Denzel's mouth, " I know you just didn't." How can you resist?
As much as I love Bjork and her music I am not sure about my feelings on Dancer in the Dark. I love indie films and granted some of the scenes in the movie were very creative and cinematically stunning, but it was almost too weird for me. She is sacrificing everything for her son who is going to go blind eventually as she is during the course of the movie, yet her relationship with him does not seem to be a close one. The characters seem underdeveloped. Maybe that is it. I just didn't really like anyone in the movie. I do however like the overall plot and devotion, basic story of mother who sacrifices for her children. A musical indie film...I guess the idea alone was almost a sole stand alone in the movie business.
AAARRRGGGHHH!!! I have that stupid melody from Lady And The Tramp stuck in my head. The one where they are all out walking on a sunny day. I don't know where that came from since I haven't seen the movie in years. I am losing it. I think I shall blame...Canada.
Did anyone see Enterprise last night? It looked good from the preview. Can you tell me what happened? Please!!!!

October 10, 2001

I failed to mention my episode at Taco Bell today. Some old lady with googley eyes, who had to be nearing the 3 digit age range yoo-hooed at me for a minute before I realized she wasn't yoo-hooing to my friend. She then said something to the extent of, "You have the very pretty hair." Followed by, "Is that real hair?" I don't think she was all there. Where have all the high class Taco Bell customers gone? Granted my hair is bright red with unexpected fushia looking highlights...known as plum colored hair to my co-worker, I think it is very farfetched that this could be my own natural hair color.
No offense but Canada sucks. Why can't they use normal zipcodes??? I got stuck with data entry today somehow and all mine are in Canada. They have to use numbers AND letters? Why???...I am not bitter. I am not bitter. I am not bitter. Plus my tab button isn't working for some reason and IT guys are MIA. Sigh...
I have decided that beeping things should be hit upon or smashed or thrown in a drawer and muffled by clothing if they do not stop beeping. Recently the beeping things have taken over my life and sanity. My car beeps about 10 times when I get in if I do not immediatly put my seat belt on. It isn't that I don't like wearing a seat belt but I hate being mothered by my car. My new phone beeps excrutiatingly loud whenever I replace it back on the receiver, which I believe as of yet after a few hours of reading instruction books can not be set differently. This beep serves no purpose whatsoever other than to frighten me each time it happens since I never expect it. And damn my alarm...it beeps every morning. This reminds me of the Friends episode where Phoebe and her smoke alarm get into a fight.
I was going to establish a token phrase for myself, thinking that "Get out of town" was amusing. Then I remembered that Balki Bartokomous on Perfect Strangers used to say, "Oh get out of the city!" That will be my new recycled token phrase because I find it funny.

October 09, 2001

Last night I was an official rebel. While rollerblading around the boy and I spied a pool and hot tub in a nice gated apartment complex and started drooling over how nice it would be to go in the spa that night. So we hatched an evil plan. We started out as small time rebels and went across the street from my house. The boy is tall enough to hang on the fence and reach in the tubey thing to keep out trespassers and open it anyway. The place was in ghettopartments but was secluded and surrounded by bushes. The problem was that the luke warm water was just not nice enuogh and wouldn't hear up after 30 minutes. We got up our ganas and went back to the nice place. We waited in my getaway spymobile and finally a few cars went into the gate and we followed. We parked in a guest spot and hiked over to the pool area. This gate was super short for us midgets and easy to open. The spa was nice and toasty. A little too toasty if you ask me. But it was nice and we didnt get caught. We went back to the car to sorta strip and change so as not to soak the spymobile's seats but some dumb lady was trying to get her dog to shite outside and we couldn't bear cold naked body parts to her...so my car suffered a tad. All in all I am a hot tubbing rebel.

Funny side bit. The boy has a BAD MOTHER FUCKER wallet like the one in Pulp Fiction and it is leather. He somehow forgot it was in his pocket and drenched it. He then wrapped all cards money and wallet in seperate napkins in my car to dry. After I dropped him off I got a frantic call on my cell that his wallet was gone and must be in my car. Nope. So he went outside and looked and scattered all over the street and somehow untouched were napkins, cards, money and a soggy wallet. I surpressed laughter and seriously told him, "You might want to get a wallet that says STUPID MOTHER FUCKER." Am I not clever?
My hobbit name is Lobelia Gamwich of the Bree Gamwiches.

October 08, 2001

I am feeling sad...and tired...and useless. Sitting here is not good for me today. I don't like feeling infinately drained. Like someone bottled up the essence of me and drank it, stole it away in the night. Perhaps I just need to get more sleep.
O my weekend...notice the new pattern of O my openings in my entries. So Hearts in Atlantis made me turn into a sappy crying young woman with puffy eyes three...count three times. Yes it was touching and heart wrenching and very good. Better than Green Mile, but it was sorta slow in parts, but worth seeing. Afterwards bickering and misunderstandings ensued. Thou shalt not mention it since I am trying to make things better with the boy. I scored cheap ass rollerblades that are the snap style I wanted that they no longer make so somehow I got them for $20. That was cool. My dad decided that leaving my other semi new blades in my car after the accident to be towed to the junkyard was a good idea. Heaven forbid he have to bring them home to me along with my freshly purchased speakers that were not harmed in the accident either. Now the junkyard children are skating around on my skates with bumping tunes coming from my wrecked ass car. A junkyard party due to my bad driving. So I had to spend money I didn't need to but the sale softens the blow.

I went to Santa Cruz to see my best friend ever and she yelled at me! For the first time in our 12 year friendship she screamed and made me want to crawl under a rock and cry. I don't think she realized how deeply disturbing this was to me. I tried to put unneeded pasta down at Cost Plus and since her sister works there she screamed with angry eyes(like Mr Potato Head in Toy Story 2), " Go put that back where it belongs right now! This is where my sister works!" I seriously was expecting her to breathe fire on me and turn into a dragon. She apologized and said she shouldn't have gotten that angry but she has never treated me that way and over that??? Mental note: Pasta goes back on the right shelf...OR ELSE! And to aforementioned best friend...when I come to visit you, as much as I love your friends and family, I am selfish and want a full day of just spending time with you and not with everyone else. I hardly ever get to see you and it sucks. I realize sunday is your family day but if I only see you once a month or once every two months I sorta want more quality time of gossip and catching up and...what would you do if I pushed you in the ocean type moments...However yesterday was good for shopping. The shopping angels flew over me and guided me to un-needed shoes that I can't live without. So 2 new shoes now sit in my closet, along with the other much needed I-can-not-bear-to-throw-any-away 60 pairs: A fatty pair of black sneaker shoes with little flames (sugar style...by volatile) and a pair of comfy white slip on rocketdog sneaker shoes. Hail to the shoe gods. I also got 2 pretty girly pictures at Cost Plus for my plain white boring bathroom. One has a girl with fairies at her feet and the other is a vintagey looking girl sitting in a circle and doing something vintagey that I can't recall right now. Yay for decorating my bathroom! I didn't find anything at Ross though which hardly ever happens. I think the screaming fit I endured ruined my shopping capablities.

October 05, 2001

O my god of pathetically sad entertainment for (british?) people. I was cruising around the web looking for that website with the dancing hampsters because I remember it sent me into hysteric giggles for some reason yet to be determined. So I found it and they had a new video which I could not resist. It had real people! Real people dancing in the most embarassing ways to the cheesiest song. You have got to see this because it is like nothing else I have seen and it cracks me up. Am I deluded or what? My link thing won't work so you are stuck with copy/paste. http://hampsterdance2.com/singvid.ram
I am an incredible girl genius. I must admit that I know nothing of html and templates, which can never be repeated that there is something I don't know. But I digress, the point is I figured out Reblogger! After 1 hour and 53 minutes of confusion and finding out no one in my office knows html save for the IT guy who is missing, I Amber Rae figured out how to put that damn script thing in my template. It only took like a billion tries. I got the comments but lost my writing or it left weird javascript on my page. So now it works and I even changed the link text. I am so so smart today....I am so smrt, I am so smrt...S-M-R-T...I mean S-M-A-R-T.

October 04, 2001

So I went to Mcwhorters which was out of business for a month and totally emptied out and now a month later is back in full stock. These scary office supply stores are very indecisive. Anyway I went there on a break to force myself to take a break from work and I got the perfect refridgerator decoration. It is this cat on its hindlegs with little black dominatrix boots and a corset and a whip with a bad ass kitty attitude all over it. So i figure it was so random and cheesy that the roomies would be amused. Interesting conversation with the boy which is forcing me to write about and now I feel like he told me to so I am rather than out of inspiration but it is on my mind. So boy you have been acknowledged. Oh yeah and you exist. And I like you so get over it and tune in for better topic discussions about you. Almost time to be off work...well a half hour early like normal since I don't take a lunch and could get majorly busted but sigh I am bad. I have been trying to read more at work when I have time but alas I am a blog addict now and have to look at pages to see if people funnier than me have updated. Oh and then I look at other stuff like Rotten and College humor and all kinds of messed up stuff that entertains me and distracts me from being bored which I still am so it doesn't really matter. So I am trying to read this book about Mustang Ranch the brothel in Nevada (whore house for us unedjamucated people). I guess this lady got permission after 3 or 4 years of begging to go inside and do a study. It was supposed to be on safe sex and condoms to tell the world since the hookers could be so safe that we should take tips from them. You think I am not serious? I am. But I barely started reading it and it is sorta interesting and a brave step for me to read non-fiction. I ate way too many goldfish today and am feeling very listless and unmotivated. Can not seem to remember I lost Live Thru This in my car accident and I want to rebuy it at Rasputins but I always forget. And I once claimed it was the album I could not live without. Ironic since it has been months since it died in the crash and I barely noticed it is missing. This is the omnipotent sign I was looking for that I have too many CDs and must admit I am a junkie. Must go to anonymous meetings at a later date for new/old/unrealized addiction. EEEEEWWWWWWWWW. I just got an email from program manager who is going to be out of town and I was all gleeful. Now he sends and email list of 85 companies to research while he is gone. Somehow my other co-workers get 60 or 50 and I get freakin 85? Where is the justice in this system? I do more work to look good and brown nose and secure my job and get rewarded with more work...sigh...and I read a disturbing qoute today. "Life is not fair but life is not fair to everyone. Thus life is fair." Or something like that...Can I not complain and whine and not be taunted back by sayings from anonymous people? At least it is time to go. Small justice for lunchless losers exists.

October 01, 2001

Today I am going to try my darndest to be more like me. I am not sure exactly how one accomplishes this but I used to be funny. Well I still am, but just less funny. I saw this girl the other day who was being a better me than me and I just can't be having that. I mean I don't want to have to try really hard but I need to let me be me more so me isn't neglected and I don't forget how to be me. Ok enough confusion. Let me take a minute and try to explain who me is. Me is Miss Amber Rae. I like to read, Bridget Jones style books are my taste as of late. I like to write this mushy gushy depressing stuff as noted from previous entries. I like to rollerblade and hike and cry over nature and how purty it is. I like to go to Toys R Us and oogle over the new toys and then complain that they still aren't up to par with strawberry shortcake and my little pony and care bears. I like to go the beach and jump in the water and catch crabs...not down there, but the ones on the rocks...oh you know what I mean, and act like a boy...cuz tomboys are best sometimes. I like to turn up my music in the car really loud and bang on the steering wheel like drums and sing and make a spectacle of myself. I do the shameful pointing finger thing with the music in some mock attempt of John Travoltaism boogeying down. I like dying my hair bright colors and pretending I am cute enough to be a cartoon, a 4th member of Power Puff girls. I like watching Disney movies and listening to Portishead and Mazzy Star and crying and getting all sentimental. I like seeing little kids act all cute and say silly things. Little kids crack me up...this is our future and I remain so hopeful when I see them in their childlike innocence. The monster whining children at Walmart have got to go though. I walk with my head tilted to one side when I am nervous or self-conscious...I am not too proud or thrilled about this head lolling but what can I do... I like sparkle eyes every day, not just for the club and I secretly tingle inside when people call me sparkles or sparkle girl. Kiddo remains my all time favorite term to be called though. I like being a smartass and doing that sort of flirting with people. Not really flirting in an "I want you" sense or anything...but just bantering back and forth with guys and gals from work or stores or wherever my smart ass strikes. I am the nicest meanest person you will ever meet. See when I meet people I am a smartass and tease them and some people who have no sense of humor think this is mean. However those of us cool smartass types know this is a smartasses way of saying hi and getting comfortable. If I don't tease you be afraid, be very afraid. So once I get to know them and all that I am still a smartass but I am a very sweet natured kinda gal who wants people to like her. Anywho I am still working on me. This is brief parts of me. But alas the wretched bosses at work might actually appreciate me doing some work today. The nerve. If they only knew I was on the road to self discovery.