Aw and Ew
We had the cutest day yesterday in Santa Cruz. We made a little picnic lunch and went up along the cliffs to Natural Bridges Beach, found a nice non-windy spot away from people and for a few hours just relaxed and talked and munched. We chased down a duck and her itty bitty baby ducks, trying to feed them crackers as they swam desperately away from us 2 scary monsters apparently. The Boardwalk was really fun too...not too crowded and not too cold. Bumper Cars ranked pretty high up there due to the fact that everytime I bumped into this little boy he would turn around with this look of surprise and then give me a dirty look. I thought by the third time or so he would get over the initial shock but no...and to look back and see my guy with his evil kinevil look trying to come bump me was too much. I think that was just the cutest date I have had in a long time.On the ew side however, my roommate found where the flies are coming from. The pipe behind the toilet has a hole around it where it goes into the wall and they have been crawling out through there...hence after she sprayed the evil temple of the flies about 30 came crawling out and died on the floor. Thank god it isn't in my bathroom.This goes back to the theory that something is dead in the attic or wall and the mother of all flies laid eggs in it. She plugged up the hole in her bathroom and I am hoping called the landlord so we can have someone come take care of the dead thing wherever it is. I just don't want them finding a new way into the house. How disgusting huh? And these aren't tiny little flies. They are horseflies about the size of a quarter and buzz very nosily and scarily, not to mention they may or may not sting according to my roommate.