So my new job sorta sucks and I don't think I am gonna last it is less pay than what I wanted and the commission is impossible to acheive....I was making almost as much on unemployment which sorta sucks bigtime. Now I am stuck cuz if I want to look for a new job I can't really get time off for interviews and whatnot. Sigh....there are a few positions I would LOVE to switch over to but there aren'y openings right now...I think I will complain for a nother week or so and stick it out,besides I don't have a choice, I can't leave til I find a new job.In other news I am dying to see Eight Legged Freaks and might be going to Hawaii with the cute bf guy I have within the next month or 2 if things work out....I'm going to Hawaii!!!! YAY!!!!! If you don't watch crank yankers you are missing out....