Freaks in the park
So my friend decided she wanted to see Jennifer Hanson play downtown. I am not a country fan but have been getting dragged to these redneck fests anyway. I am that good of a friend.
We get there and sit down and right away things got crazy.
In front of the stage is a place for people to dance. This is intended to people who actually know how to dance and are pleasant to look at. The first weirdos were a toothless older woman and a very old man who although not together were getting pretty freaky. Then along comes a mentally challenged man who had some weird object he used as a microphone with way too much zealous, performing for everyone and trying to detract from the stage which he ran back to every few minutes to high 5 the singer.
Enter the token lesbians. One huge and one stick thin dressed like a boy with a shaved head. Said huge lesbian proceeded to take off her shirt and sit on the stage in a bra with her belly hanging over. She then dumped out her purse on the floor and stick thin lesbian began throwing everything back in. Mostly condoms, which lesbians don't need FYI. They then went back and forth to the free ice cream booth about 3 or 4 times, and then persuaded innocent bystanders to go to the booth for them after they were banned. Next she harrassed some teeny boppers who let her use their cell phone and she made probably 3 or 4 calls to god knows who. Are cell phones the new cigarettes?
Huge lesbian then peed her pants at some point which embarrassed me since she had no embarrassment of her own. Believe me it was pee as it was only down the insides of the thighs and wasn't there previously. Shame!
Then along came normal buff work out guy. Although he appeared normal and had a shaved head, nice clothes and defined physique, he proceeded to "2 step" around the dancing area alone in a big square, tapping his heart intermittedly as if he was at a punk show. Huge lesbian handed him a condom which he pocketed as he 2 stepped by.
Toothless lady reappeared with a weird older chubby man who had an old fashioned mustache with wax that curled at the ends.
The bands weren't all that great and had to deal with homeless looking people milling around on the steps right below them staring or eye oogling their breasts. It was a sad day for the park and as usual a giggle fest for me.