January 30, 2002

Poor guy, what a mockery
Hours of endless fun watching Bush follow his nose.
Play with Bush here
Back in the day...
Mash would help pass many a bored hour on buses and recess. The online version is almost as fun, minus the resulting ews, ohs and ahs and squeals of 10 yr old girls....

Your husband's name is ryan and you have 3 children. You're an environmentalist who drives to work every day in a orange vw bug.

It's truly a wonderful life when you consider the countless romantic nights you have spent with ryan in your mansion in los angelos.

Come and play, you know you want to.
Link snagged from The Olive.

January 29, 2002

Tee Hee

Mr T has always been one of my heroes. I looked up to him when I was a wee lassie and he wore all that bling bling. He is now reinstated as my hero because he kicks Aguilera's ass. But how could he side with Britney? Gasp! Hopefully he will come to his senses and realize they are both trampy bimbos. Oops I said it again. I pity the fool who likes girly pop. NSync is a different story however. We won't go there today though...
Mr T Vs. Christina Aguilera
And as if that isn't good enough. For all those weird people out there (you know who you are.) This is everything you have been wanting to know...or at least something sorta funny in a really stupid way.
Dolphin Sex

January 28, 2002

Adventures in Pervoland

Ericsf1057: hi there
VenusApollo: hi?
Ericsf1057: i added u to my buddylist
Ericsf1057: nice pics by the way
VenusApollo: o ok
VenusApollo: thanks?
VenusApollo: u have one?
Ericsf1057: yeah
Ericsf1057: hold on
Ericsf1057: cant find it
Ericsf1057: do u have anymore?
VenusApollo: nope
Ericsf1057: r u seeing anyone now?
VenusApollo: sorta...not really...i dont know
Ericsf1057: cool
Ericsf1057: ever meet someone from online?
VenusApollo: yah
Ericsf1057: as friends? or to date
VenusApollo: BOTH
Ericsf1057: ever meet someone just to fool around
VenusApollo: NICE TRY
Ericsf1057: denied
Ericsf1057: u still want my pic?
VenusApollo: well seeing as u are a guy who just wants sex
VenusApollo: chances are not likely that i care
Ericsf1057: all guys just want sex...
VenusApollo: it isnt like i dont get hit on for sex about 20 times a day on the net
Ericsf1057: if they dont come out and say it..they are lying
Ericsf1057: u do?
VenusApollo: apparently u are a stupid pervert too
Ericsf1057: do u like phone sex?
VenusApollo: o yes......please call me....i can hardly wait
Ericsf1057: whats your number
VenusApollo: ugh
VenusApollo: i know for a fact not all men are brainless
Ericsf1057: ok let me ask u something
Ericsf1057: whats the oldest u would go out with
VenusApollo: its not u so dont worry about it
Ericsf1057: comeon
Ericsf1057: give me another chance
VenusApollo: are u dense
VenusApollo: i look for friends first
VenusApollo: not sex
Ericsf1057: ok another angle
VenusApollo: apparantly u are older but none the wiser
Ericsf1057: how bout i pay u
VenusApollo: ew have u no shame
VenusApollo: im not poor and im not stupid and im not desperate
Ericsf1057: your feisty..i like that
Ericsf1057: i bet you like it rough and hard
VenusApollo: u better start thinking about the last 2
Ericsf1057: ?
VenusApollo: the last two things i mentioned...
Ericsf1057: why
VenusApollo: cuz u sound pretty stupid and desperate

benjamin_pub: And we can play at work no ???
lilgirllost9: no
benjamin_pub: Really... you don't want to try ???
lilgirllost9: no
benjamin_pub: really ???
lilgirllost9: no
benjamin_pub: Try it ... you are alone in the room ???
lilgirllost9: no
benjamin_pub: what are you dressing ???
lilgirllost9: no
benjamin_pub: Tell me just what you are dressing ????
lilgirllost9: no
benjamin_pub: why???
lilgirllost9: no
benjamin_pub: OK... You aren't a stupide girl ???
lilgirllost9: no
lilgirllost9: just seeing how stupid u are and how long u will keep asking
me stuff

Freedom of Speech
In an effort to keep the ability to speak your mind around...
You can add this to your site. I snagged it from Brandy. I do feel its important to be able to write about what you want and not get in trouble for it...I am hearing more and more stories of people who are being fired or threatened, various different things... and I would hope that it doesn't come to the point where our freedoms online are taken away.
To add the easy way: http://www.platinumcomplication.com/carolyn/silence.jpg

January 25, 2002

I would just like to take a second to remind myself and others of the band Belly. I totally forgot how much I loved both their cds. Well....I had them on tape and had since forgotten how much I love them. Tonya Donnelly has since moved on but I still cling to her roots and awesome little early 90s band. So I will be running by Rasputins today to indulge myself in the huge selection of used stuff. After all its the weekend right? I deserve a little self-spoiling since I lack someone to spoil me. Ok no pity party today sorry.
Unheard, Ubsurd
So there is a guy at my work who is listed in the address book and in our phone directory by his first name only. And I just found out he has no last name. Rumor is that he moved here from another country and didn't want to make up a last name so he just stuck with his first name. My friend just went over and asked him and he confirmed. I didn't know this was possible. Weird. Aren't there certain things that require first and last name for application or ordering or just mailing? I am so blown away.
Tonight I am going to see the remake of Fritz Lang's Metropolis. It is a Japanese animation Metropolis with subtitles and I am so so so excited. We might also try to catch Monster's Ball which is looking to be a really good film as well. My one hesitation is that Puffy or P Diddy Combs is in it. This may be my new substitute for Snoop Dogg humor. I am very curious about Lantana too. And I am not ashamed to admit I really want to see I Am Sam, being that the preview has made me cry everytime I see it. I think it is more a family related touching personal type thingy for me. Not because of the mental issues, just the simple basic family ones. Parent and child conflicts and love. So yah I am a sappy sucker.

And in music news...
I just bought tickets to see Nikka Costa this Thursday at a small venue that I really like. 13 bucks!
I am also trying to find a partner in crime to go see Nelly Furtado and Citizen Cope the day after Valentine's. So far I can't find anyone interested or free. Citizen Cope opened for Ben Folds a few months ago and I am excited his album comes out this Tuesday finally. I also just found out he has the same producer as Tribe Called Quest and Erykah Badu. I am just adoring his lyrics and sound right now. And......it is Friday! Yay!

January 24, 2002

One of the bestest movies ever

How could I resist?

i'm Jack!

January 23, 2002

Apparently it can
I am the only one on my account today as everyone else is recovering from surgery, freshly quit or gone home early for the day, and the phone is ringing off the hook. I have no clue what is going on as I feel drugged and feverish and I just got a 10 min lecture from my mom who likes to call me at work and tell me how to be healthy. At the same time my dad is on the other phone talking to me while my mom is talking saying something to the extent of "Ha ha I told you so. You shoulda taken all the medicine from the doctor." Granted I can not hear very well since my head is all numb and throbby and my hearing is at half its capacity. My throat has that boogery crap in it and I keep gagging and thinking I am gonna throw up. The sore throat stuff I bought tastes like acid and makes me more sick and falsely advertises its soothing bullshit promise of "relief for up to 6 hours." I still can not log into AIM and I could not schedule a doctor appt for today as I am assuming that the 20 minutes I was on hold while "operators were assisting other patients" all the appts were sucked up by less sick, less angst filled people who can not possibly feel as bad as I do. I am not really looking forward to the doctor tomorrow as the medicine they give me makes me get a female infection which is almost twice as worse as I am feeling now. This is modern technology and medicinal remedies people. Is this making any sense? Oh yes, I AM a whiner. How did you ever guess? Bitter? Yes that is me too. I swear I am part of some comedy show that the gods watch along the lines of "The Pathetic Little People and How We Love to Torture Them." This IS my life. Please do not laugh. It is the only one I have.
Oh could it get any better
So I like to chat on yahoo and aim at work. My job is boring and it is a good way to pass time. The drama ensues as so: I talk to friends. One friend thinks things are funny when they aren't. Said friend decided to warn me for fun. Yesterday he got it up to 100%......with no retaliation since I'm not as immature. I could not log in or send and receive messages. By today it was down to 60% and was getting better. He warned me again, after promising he wouldn't. He then switched names and did it again. I am now back up in the 90-100 range and can't log in or waste time at work chatting. So let's see...I am slightly mad. Do I have good reason?
Put me out of my misery
I am sick. AGAIN. I feel all sheepish because I was warned about 2 weeks ago that if I didn't take all 10 days of meds that the super buffed germs would survive and come back and eat me alive. Something like that. I think my neck has completely dissapeard because my throat is so swollen...I want my mum...and tomato soup and someone to read to me, oh yah and to not be at work wishing someone would hit me upside the head to distract from my nonability to swallow.

January 22, 2002

For one fleeting moment
This morning as I drove to work like I normally do, the sun was shining despite the chill in the air and the faint puffs of fog streaming from the exhaust of people trying to get to work on time. The road was neither clear nor crowded and things were flowing at an acceptable pace. The warmth beaming in gave a nice contrast to my freezing gloved hands. I had Orbital's Halcyon & On & On from the Hacker's soundtrack playing. I was mellow and felt harmonized in some unreachable place. Everything seemed ok. I smiled all the way to work and it just seemed that the day was ominous and promising. I have fallen in love with my morning drive to work as it is the most positive point in my day. And then I get to work and everything sorta tumbles downhill. I think I should just drive around in the morning and get paid for being an ecstatic, glowing, naive moron.

January 21, 2002

Aw yeah
I AM giddy like a school girl. Could you BE anymore jealous...or curious maybe? Please be curious? Pretty please?
Like you wanted to know
There are certain things I am learning over time as I live on my own. One of the main ones is never ever ever, no matter how tempting, leave oatmeal or egg on a dish for more than 5 seconds after eating. You will end up spending at least 10-30 minutes trying to scour it off otherwise. Yuck.

January 18, 2002

I am THAT special
I am now an official member of Make Out Club. I was accepted on my first try and I have yet to figure out why this club is cool. But I am sure it is for some reason.

January 16, 2002

Oy vey
So I have been very busy between the crackdown at work on productivity and the stress of apartment hunting. My best friend and I are going to move together very soon as she can't tolerate her roommates and I think I might be a little better off too in a newer nicer cheaper place. Whoo hoo. So by noon today I should know if I will be living in a bombass place or not. It is semi, well mostly dependent on my friend's credit. I am an upstanding citizen with a perfect record of course. Something like that. Anywho keep your fingers crossed. Within 3 and a half hours...I'd show you all a nice little pic of the apartment place but knowing my luck with stalkers I'll refrain unless you beg.....begging is always amusing.

Update Didn't get the place I want...o well....back to the drawing board.

January 07, 2002

Scary Man in Tights
And he says he is looking for a woman...namely tinkerbell...this guy has serious issues...any man who makes clothes like that for everyday wear should not pass go or collect 200 dollars, he should just check himself in.

Link from The Dane

January 04, 2002

Creepiest Dating Service Ever
Wouldn't you be scared?

January 03, 2002

What would Freud say
Strange dreaming happened last night. Considering that I rarely remember my dreams or know that I even have them, this is a special treat.

I am in an amusement park and it is dusk. The sun is setting and on the crisp breeze lingers the scent of clean air and autumn leaves. As I walk through the park with a nameless, faceless friend I approach a small wrought iron gate that leads into another section of the park. Coming toward me are a bunch of seeing eye dogs, each with a person in tow. Somehow I suddenly end up elsewhere instantly. I am away from the noise of the tourist crowds on a semi grassy hill with an old run down fence bordering. The blurry friend is sitting near the bottom of the hill humming, while for some reason I am acting like a 5 yr old on an adventure, bouncing all over the hill, exploring excitedly the otherwise boring leaves and grass. All of the sudden I look up and am face to face with a blind boy who for some reason is dogless. I stare into his eyes, realizing he can't stare back but telling by the pause in his breath he knows I am there. He is about my age in the dream (early 20s) and is a rather good looking asian american boy. I turn quickly to run back down to my friend, having been somewhat startled and unsure of how to react. He immediately begins yelling after me to wait and proceeds to follow me from the sounds of feet rustling over leaves. For some reason I sense that I am slightly thrilled and excited by the presence of this boy. The chasing proceeds but has no real result.

Off to an old fashioned house with hard wood floors and stained glass windows. The smell is somewhat musty, mingled with scents of old english furniture polish. There is a slight draft floating around. There is a family here with 2 young girls and 1 boy and the older brother who I am apparantly visiting. The mother is in the living room watching televisionHe has blondish hair and a scraggly goatee. His boyish looks and crooked smile are what draws me in. The boy is no one I recognize from real life but yet there is an unspoken relationship that has just begun as the electricity between us is present. The younger siblings are taunting and trying to follow us as he grabs my hand and dashes up the steep stairs with me. We hide behind a large tapestry in a doorway as we see inquisitive feet scurry by. We are out of breath and nervous at this new found privacy and closeness. We both share a moment where it seems are lips are going to attract each other like magnets but it passes as feet and voices run by again in search for us. Once seeing that we are safe he flicks on an old chandelier to reveal a enormous four poster bed with unlimited quilts and down comforters. He grabs my hand and we trod over to be swallowed up by the covers. We lie untouching with blankets up to our chins and watch TV until I wake up from dream land.

January 02, 2002

What was that? Oh my goodness! That was the sound of me falling off the face of the earth.